Rapport Building Guide

How do we build rapport? What does rapport within Educational developer’s look like, why does it matter, and how does it change?

These questions and more fuelled a three year+ project with Dr. Kim West that in June 2017 culminated in the Educational Development Guide No. 2. Rapport-Building for Educational Developers co-written by 10 educational developers and one educator across Canada.

Available as a creative-commons publication by the Educational Developers Caucus (https://www.stlhe.ca/affiliated-groups/educational-developers-caucus/guides/)

We are thankful for the Educational Developers Caucus Grant (2014) Rapport Building in Educational Development. Co-investigator: Kim West


There has been much learning along the way since the early conversations and interviews, conference sessions and writing, that we are excited to continue to share!

The picture of rapport-building is evolving and deliciously complex even in our initial analysis:


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